it’s not a pleasant task, but it’s one that must be handled, and quickly. Removing blood, vomit, urine, feces, and other biological spots and stains is a fairly easy chore if the issue is caught quickly. But allow the substance to dry, and your job becomes much more difficult. What impacts the success of removal […]
Battling the Invasion of Particulates
Battling the Invasion of Particulates Most cleaning tasks are performed based on two criteria: Schedule (such as vacuuming once per week), and Visual (when you see soil build-up on surfaces). When it comes to your air ducts, which handle air flow in your home from your furnace and air conditioning, there is no easy way […]
Power Cord Safety
Power Cord Safety We all need power. Especially of the electrical variety. Without it, nothing works. Your appliances that run on batteries might work for a little while, but without a charge, they die. Anything that is plugged into an outlet is worthless without that spark of energy we rely on virtually every minute of […]
The Dreaded Litter Box
It’s part of the home that you try to hide. It’s one that you hope no one stumbles across and, of course, hope no one sniffs and notices it is there. If you have cats, you know exactly what we are talking about. If you have cats, you either train them to go outside (unlikely) […]
Mold Facts For Everyone
Mold is everywhere and is necessary for life. But too much of it — and especially if what is considered by many a harmful variety — can be hazardous to the health of many. Not everyone is sensitive to exposure to mold. Some people can be around it and have no side effects at all. […]
The Imminent Arrival of Old Man Winter
It may just be the fall season right now, but that’s about to change soon, into… winter. And getting ready for winter is important, with several aspects regarding your home and protecting what’s most valuable to you. Obviously, winter is outside, but it will want to get inside, and that can cause damage you don’t want. […]
Categories of Mold Contamination
When things get damp, humid, musty, smelly… there could be trouble brewing, even if you can’t see the source of the issue. When your nose senses suspicious odors, especially in areas such as dark, enclosed basements, as one example, thoughts often go to, “Do I have mold?” It’s a concern everyone should have, because specific […]
How to Remove Hard Water Stains
Spots and stains, no matter where they land, are unsightly and ugly, and you work hard to remove them. A spot is easy to remove, as it is a deposit of substance that sits on top of a surface. Examples include chocolate, milk, or ketchup. A stain is a different challenge altogether, as it means […]
Is Your Microwave… a Crud Collector?
It’s fast. It’s easy. It’s super convenient. Without it, some of us couldn’t survive in the kitchen. No way. Yes, the microwave oven is an indispensable appliance. The microwave oven is a modern invention. The first microwaves were around in the mid 1940s, but were mainly for restaurants and reheating food on airplanes. They were massive devices […]
Electricity Exposed!
Electricity. It’s an amazing force of nature and used by virtually everyone in the world, in some form or other. For most homeowners, and even those working in commercial buildings, the number of appliances that use electricity is mind-boggling. With that comes the issue of safety. After all, if you have a dozen (or more!) […]